What the head bartender of Eveleigh drinks when she’s off the clock
Posted on 5/30/2014 12:35:00 PM by Whitney Adams
Welcome to the debut of Shift Drink, where we take a peek into the post-shift drinking habits of LA’s finest food and drink personalities.
First up to bat? Kiowa Bryan, head bartender of West Hollywood’s Eveleigh. She is a fixture in the cocktail community in Los Angeles and rolls deep with a booze crew that goes by the moniker No Scruples. Bottom line: She is a lady we would want to grab a drink (or five) with any day of the week. So, when she’s done serving all of us, this is what she shakes up for herself.
What’s your shift drink?
“I have an unhealthy obsession with ‘Ti Punch, which is what people drink everyday in Martinique, where Rhum Agricole is made. It’s a very simple mix of lime, cane syrup, and Rhum Agricole. If I’m at work, I’ll make it with Clement Canne Bleue (a single cane varietal rhum) and if at home, I just happen to have a 3-liter box of Rhum J.M 110 tapped in my fridge that I ‘brought’ back from Martinique with me. Totally normal.”