The Old Fashioned might just be the perfect cocktail. It’s deceptively simple, with only five straight forward ingredients: spirit, sugar, bitters, citrus peel, ice cubes. But the Old Fashioned’s thin line of success or failure rests on two factors: the choice of those ingredients and technique. If you ever want to test the chops of ...
Anatomy of an Old Fashioned
The Old Fashioned is “old fashioned” for a reason. It’s generally not a medium for radical innovation. “The Old-Fashioned is the Doric column of the cocktail world,” writes Wayne Curtis, author of And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails (released in a revised and updated version this past ...
Martinique’s Top-Shelf Rum Scene
Rum's longstanding history has brought it to become the world's third-most consumed liquor after vodka and whisky. Over the years, rum has been successfully building a reputation as a premium complex sipping beverage. Every day the segment is being more appreciated for diversity and craftsmanship - especially in Martinique, home to French styled rum. Today rum can be sorted ...
The Rhum Diaries
The tiki bar movement has been gaining momentum and steering drinkers towards a rather overlooked spirits category: rum. More particularly, drinkers are gaining interest with rhum agricole, a french sub-category within the world of rum. Rhum agricole is made by crushing and fermenting raw cane juice and is found to have a vegetal and grassy profile ...
Rhum J.M Joins 2017 Old Fashioned Campaign
Whether it be in Paris, Chicago, or Athens you will find Rhum J.M on the menu of some of the world's most renowned cocktail bars in honor of Old Fashioned Week 2017 from November 2nd - 11th. Old Fashioned Week was launched in 2015 as an initiative to bring a classic cocktail back to the world's ...