FEROCE D'AVOCAT Prep Time: 15 mins Cook Time: 10 mins Total Time: 25 mins Feroce d'Avocat is a traditional French West Indian specialty made from salt cod, avocado and cassava. Course: Appetizer Cuisine: Caribbean, West Indian Servings: 6 people Author: Vera Abitbol INGREDIENTS ½ lb. salt cod, desalted 1 large ripe avocado (about 1 lb./500g or 2 medium avocados) ½ lb. tapioca flour (cassava flour) 3 scallions 2 West Indian chili peppers (habañero peppers) 3 cloves garlic, crushed ½ bunch parsley 3 tablespoons sunflower oil Juice ...
About: The Sugarcane Press
Recent Posts by The Sugarcane Press
BIG NEWS! With a new year comes a new, better Instagram #spiribamchallenge! We are raising the stakes in a BIG WAY and giving away a trip for two to see our distilleries in Martinique and Saint Lucia this year. How? We will hold our regular monthly Spiribam Challenge each month of 2020 and at the ...
Rhum J.M Expands Its Portfolio By Introducing 110 Proof Blanc Rhum
SPIRIBAM Fine Rum Specialists recently announced the upcoming release of a 110-proof expression of its Rhum J.M White Rhum Agricole. The new product, Rhum J.M 110 Proof, will satiate a demand lead by a popular surge in premium craft and high-proof spirits. Since 1845, Rhum J.M has been regarded as one of the Caribbean’s most prestigious ...
The Joy of Neat Spirits

A fine cocktail is a thing of beauty. “The only American invention as perfect as the sonnet,” as old H.L. Mencken famously said of the martini. But do you ever find yourself drowning in the ever-rising tide of new cocktails? Do you ever tire of recipes that seem solely designed to please the crowd? Are ...

When someone asks us for holiday gift suggestions, I’m sure you’ll forgive us if we say something like, “Ho Ho Ho…and a bottle rum.” After all, December seems like the perfect time to splurge on a special bottle. Here are three suggestions to surprise and satisfy the rum lover in your life. CHAIRMAN’S RESERVE THE FORGOTTEN ...
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